Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What is eternal is the cloud drifting slowly out of sight.


  1. Eternal both in it's beauty, and in the snapshot created in our minds.

  2. Yes, because we run after the temporal...
    Nice quote.

  3. Very nicely expressed, as always : ) Change is eternal aspect of our lives....

  4. nicely said. i just encountered some beautiful clouds this morning. of course, it will not be there now, except some other equally beautiful clouds.

  5. "Change is inevitable" I have to remind myself of this a couple of times a week, thanks np.

  6. Change is inevitable... and when the cloud drifts out of sight, sunshine remains perhaps. That is, if change is embraced I guess. A nice aphorism to contemplate while lying on a blanket watching the sky.

  7. Very nice one! Captures a whiff of the eternal.

  8. Very beautiful, NP. Picturing a cloud now...

  9. What a beautiful image you have painted with your aphorism. The sky is not troubled by the clouds that pass through it, and likewise we can learn not to allow "cloudiness" to disrupt our peace. This we learn when we practice blue sky meditation and learn how not to attach to clouds or to dread their arrival as all things change just as the weather does.

  10. "What is eternal is the cloud drifting slowly out of sight!" Nice one: This is niftynatter aphorismo! always like to see and hear it in the head & such nifty sound-bites going on and on reverberating around my head like a morbid marble on mescalene! Some good stuff here also!

  11. What is eternal is also clouds keep coming back.
