Friday, April 22, 2011

If God handed me Truth on a silver platter, it would still be Truth from my point of view.


  1. Is that because truth is only accepted when we can understand it or see it from our specific perspective? It seems that even when we consider a 'universal' truth, it's only once we've wrapped our own minds around it that we can understand it to be true. Lots to think about in this one :)

  2. Truth is a relative term and it truly depends how your experiences make it a pure 'truth'. But there are absolute truths in life that you don't need to get confused about. These truths are from God and these are gifts to humanity.

  3. Very true....we process everything through the filters of our mind : )

  4. Like Chris Maser I believe to "perceive" means to "seize wholly," to "see all the way through." Perception, therefore, is the act of seeing in the mind, of understanding.

    Perceptions of truth are relative. Our perceptions grow and change as we mature, but not everyone's perceptions mature at the same rate, which accounts for the widely differing degrees of consciousness with respect to cause-and-effect relationships.

    This disparity is neither good nor bad; it simply means that each of us have different gifts to give at different times in our lives as we see different truths.

  5. can't doubt what the man above has given you...

  6. --We may assume it can no longer be 'Gods truth' if it is filtered through our point of view. Of course we see things from a human standpoint.

    But since God is supernatural, things impossible for us are not impossible for him. Just like the Bible was written by men --as they were carried along by holy spirit.

    So God can give us the Truth on a silver platter....but are we hungry?

  7. Hey np, I'm not sure that I get this one. I've read the other comments to see how others have understood it. Would really appreciate some elaboration/explanation :) Ta!

  8. thats true...unless he has a hammer and says something like go to your room!!!! fabulous as always.....

  9. So beautifully captured, as always Marty, even "from my point of view" - we all have to search for, find & assimilate our own Truth. Grateful

  10. Truth remains truth no matter the label or method of delivery as you poetically pointed out. If you place sugar in a salt shaker, it remains sugar. Have a sweet weekend!

  11. if God handed you Truth on a silver platter, and it is not Truth from your point of view. What would you say? (a) He (or She) is a false God (b) That must be something wrong with my point of view (c) God must have been badly influenced by Satin (d) I'm better than God in judging the truthfulness of matters (as least once in a while...) :):)

  12. If God handed me truth on a silver platter, I would probably ask, "What's with the platter???"

  13. I see God throwing up his hands and saying "I give up." :) Happy Easter!

  14. I think your aphorism is right on. Like Chris Maser I believe to "perceive" means to "seize wholly," to "see all the way through." Perception, therefore, is the act of seeing in the mind, of understanding.

    Perceptions of truth are relative. Our perceptions grow and change as we mature, but not everyone's perceptions mature at the same rate, which accounts for the widely differing degrees of consciousness with respect to cause-and-effect relationships.

    This disparity is neither good nor bad; it simply means that each of us have different gifts to give at different times in our lives as we see different truths.

  15. Because as long as we're seeing life through the filters of our own ego, it doesn't matter what is in front of us, we always have it go our way.

  16. HAHA! That is a conundrum! God is the revealer of truth...but can we really see it as He does?

  17. Too bad the Pharisees didn't think this way especially when you consider God did handle them truth on a silver platter in the person of His only begotten Son, namely, Jesus
    Thanks for your post,
    Richard Hobart

  18. No offense intended Paul, but the phrase "God must have been badly influenced by Satin" totally makes me see the Divine Presence clothed like Liberace. As Isaiah would say, "And the hem of His garment filled the whole temple"... but is that garment made of the glory of angels, Isaiah, or is it Vera Wang?

    But honestly, it's an interesting point, and not just from the divinity/perspective angle of things (though I do believe that God can in fact hand you the Truth, on a platter or from an ass's mouth) is experiential nature of knowledge. In other words, is Truth given over by experiential knowledge or revelation? Eve could be told not to eat the fruit of the tree 'because you'll die' but I imagine that truth didn't hit home until somewhere after the first bite.

    I don't know. Just thinking aloud...

  19. Jack,... I thought as if nobody spotted my Freudian slip :):) Ladies in satin are almost as lovely as those with a satin-voice....not to mention satin-touch... Vera Wang does do a of wedding gowns in Satin and Lace...perhaps you've in mind of your Eve(s)....and rabbit(?) offense intended either (anyway, in any case, I apologize in advance)...Have fun...:):)
