Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The sparrows flying from tree to tree: not a single one doubts its freedom.


  1. Very true. What a simple, carefree life they lead. Sometimes I long for that. Don't like worms, though. ;)

  2. Most times, we are the cause of our limited freedom due to constant worrying, self-doubts, and the like....In this respect, I like quote by Antoine: "I know but one freedom and that is the freedom of the mind"....I want to be like the sparrow your aphorism described...: )

  3. Few of us can actually fly freely because we choose to cling to the past and/or to project into the future. Those who want to grow flight feathers don’t seek other people’s approval to determine their own self-worth. They don't feel responsible for the happiness or unhappiness of others. They take responsibility for their own happiness. They don't explain or justify their actions to themselves or others. They live consciously in the present moment and by doing this they are enabled to enjoy true freedom and fly.

  4. Exactly why I wish I was born a bird.
    I envy their free spirits.

  5. To me comparing a bird's supposed thoughts or actions to a person's thoughts or actions is useless.. Tho I do like how wonderful it looks watching them fly about without restraint.

  6. It is always such a pleasure to visit here and read your aphorisms. I love them. This one being no exception. :-)

    Thanks for taking the time to post them here.

  7. Nor does the sparrow wonder where it's next meal is coming from. There is an extra level of freedom in that as well:->


  8. I often have wished to come back in my next life as a bird, it must be so nice to fly, and be without worries of freedom.

  9. Very well said.We should learn from birds...
    Thanks for sharing .
    God bless.

  10. Sparrows just like any other animals besides humans are not cursed with egoistic ambition. I love watching birds in nature. Their spontaneity is refreshing.

  11. They are a pleasure to watch. They probably best exemplify that element of randomness or chance in nature at the expense of the individual. My best.

  12. first of all i want to thank you so much from the bottom of my heart NP for your kind caring words,they mean lot to me,

    sparrows have simple living np even we can have the same but it seems that we are more interested in complications then simple straight soulful life,

    god bless you always.

  13. I always thought of Rod's mum as a beautiful little bird, trapped inside a cage, longing to be free!
