Tuesday, July 20, 2010

You know you're on the wrong track if you're thinking too much.


  1. Somebody derail me please!

  2. We're having the same train of thought today.

  3. i am not sure if i agree/or understand thorough on this. how about if "thinking" itself is a enjoyable thing to do?

  4. LOL! I don't think enough! EVER! j/k I think?

    Love to read your daily aphorism's sir, just don't always comment on them.

    I think (oops)- I'm thinking! Hehehe. I'm not sure anyone can think too much, it's when they don't think enough. If I don't think and plan my day, I'm lost in the shuffle! I forget things too easy these days, so I make lists, lots of lists! Of course, that does not mean however, that I follow them! :o)

  5. I get caught up in overthinking, overanalyzing ALL the time.
    I try to remember how the water flows on a river....

  6. the thinking part is fine, its just the channelling it in the right direction I struggle with at times!

  7. This is a very logical quote. I definitely agree because if we think too much, that means we’re in doubt if we are really in the right path.

  8. Thinking is always a good thing when one has a point of reference. We must ask ourselves the good questions in order to think clearly. The work path is a great concept to consider. I always love your work. Great Job...

  9. Marty, I tend to over analyse everything but I'm trying to change to be more like a certain girl in my life and go with the flow.

  10. For me the crux is figuring out just how much is too, insofar as it's presupposed that too much is over the limit for whomever is doing the thinking.

  11. That's an excellent little diagnostic tool n.p., thank you. Getting caught up in an over-heated engine of thought loops is a red flag that I'm on the wrong track. In hindsight, I can see times in my life when I've spent hours agonizing over decisions and got lost in endless thickets of thought, I was on the wrong track.

  12. I guess I can't avoid it. I do think too much!!! =/

  13. I think you can get into trouble by taking either to the extreme: thinking NOT enough and thinking TOO much! :)
