Thursday, July 1, 2010

There are more wrong turns on the map than on the road.


  1. There are more wrong turns in the mind than in reality.
    The mind says, "This should not be happening in my life!"
    But reality knows better. Reality knows that what looks like misfortune to the partial perception of the limited mind is in fact good fortune...

    Thanks for another mind-opening post n.p.

  2. I'm still thinking about this one - so much to it. It's interesting how one sentence can sometimes stimulate the mind more than a long post.

  3. Made me think and that's a good thing :-0!

  4. Oh this is definitely one of my favorites!!!!

  5. Totally true (again)!!! Even when using GPS, the roads are much simpler than its maps! Transporting this metaphor to real life, many times we drove in circles to nowhere or don't see the easiest way that is just in front of our noses!

  6. And often they lead to wonders you can not imagine!!

  7. It's just that with a set of maps and GPS a man is not pressured as much to stop and ask some local convenience store clerk where the short-cut to route 74 could possibly be concealed...because you made all the right moves...they just didn't tell the highway sign people to update their signs and pull all of those Burma-Shave signs that distracted you off the side of the road!

  8. Never listen to the "monkey mind"...Create your own map!

  9. Love this perspective, except I didn't know the map had any right turns?!

  10. But all the wrong turns are LEFT behind when we take the RIGHT road.

    Dadgummit I never could tell my left from my right. That is the only downside of being ambidextrous. The other two sides point directly up.
    Who said it was an eternal triangle?

  11. There are definitely wrong turns--but there are just as many right turns. One just needs to have the perception and insight to choose the right one!
