Monday, July 19, 2010

If you paint a black picture, the picture will be black.


  1. Love it.Isn't that a Rolling Stones song? Just kidding! We are whatever color we focus on. Blackness or negativity begets more negativity.

  2. Seems like that's what I've been doing lately.

  3. I think for about nine and a half years that’s exactly what I was doing Marty but now I’m discovering all the colours to paint with.

  4. Yes...whatever you think...whatever you believe in...whatever you paint... will create your reality.

  5. NP, whenever I come to your blog I am uplifted. A good choice today too cos I had been worrying too much as I do. Thanks for the reminders :)

  6. Yeah, if you think of negativity, you'll have a negative life.

  7. Always! You have just reminded me that I need to sharpen my colored pencils right now! Thanks!

  8. Mart, what if I am not painting any picture and am just stuck with a blank canvas? :)

  9. Very cool...If I use white paint or yellow paint or any paint on a black picture, it will be black. If I have a pessimistic outlook, no matter what light-filled experiences occur, I will manage to use them to validate my negative outlook. If I want to be a victim, I can use the weather as proof that I am a victim.

    Thanks VERY much for another mind-opening aphorism n.p. Your words are a gentle crowbar that open awareness here.

  10. This reminds me of a something my (very wise) Mother-in-Law used to say: "nothing is but thinking makes it so." Truer words are rarely spoken.
