Monday, January 17, 2011

When the train stays on the tracks you don't ask why.


  1. I know what you mean - and nicely said - but you know - I did ask.

    I asked whether it was actually moving or was just successively at different places.

    I knew I was OK when I decided it was time to have a cup of tea.

  2. ah, indeed one doesn't, well put. if things are going smoothly, don't ask why, just accept the good fortunes. :)

  3. If it ain't broke...

    Btw, I'm about due to do another photo quote de jour with an aphorism of yours. Will give you a heads up. So many to choose from, so little time...

  4. You are very, very good at this. I've read a few, and you just hit a different bullseye everytime!

  5. Left an answer to your question on the BC page. Great observation and well put.

  6. "When the train stays on the tracks you don't ask why." Nice words & nicely put; & who knows where itll end up.

  7. So true. But when the train falls off the tracks? Oh, boy!

  8. So true. This reminds me that I need to celebrate the days I have that go well and focus less on the days when they don't.

  9. Hi NP =)

    Seems like there is always something bad to notice if you are looking for it. (although depending, there are some things you cant avoid noticing) --But what a better way to live looking for, noticing and appreciating the good =)

  10. This is so true. When something goes wrong we pay close attention to it and get upset. Yet when all is going well we fail to appreciate it. Maybe it has something to do with survival. I don't know. It just seems like such a waste not to be happy about what's good.
    I enjoy following your site.
    John M

  11. You're right - you're just thankful for getting where you need to go! (At least I am!)

  12. There is an old Indian saying: "When the going is good, you have friends all around you, its only when the tides turn that you run to God!" Both has its advantages I guess, but I am happy as long as my train stays on track :) Very thought provoking.

  13. So true although these days we're encouraged to frequently express gratitude, or better still, appreciation, for all things and I find that very helpful.

  14. I think in American culture in particular, we are used to most things going right. We're a tad spoiled, and have little tolerance when things do take a wrong turn. ;(

  15. And when it's derailed? Can you ask "why" then? Nah! It's probably too late!

  16. I want my train to be on track and i promise i wont ask why or how or for how long till it falls off track again.....
    Thanks Marty, now i have a new wish "GET MY TRAIN ON TRACK"

  17. we dont know appreciate when good things happens, sometimes we are blind to see that all is alright around and when we fall in darkness we start to understand what we lose. Sometimes is too late to change the things or recover the great time of the past. Wrong things make you think, the hard way always teach, it is the idiosyncrasy of the life. A hug. Mario.

    PD: NP why dont follow my blog? we can share thoughts. I invite you.

  18. Case in point: I'm feeling a bit under the weather right now. On the 355 days a year I am not sick, I don't think anything of it, but when I am, it's very much in the front of my mind.

  19. This one is sexual. Doesn't require a single comment. It' just the shit

  20. Marty, as promised, my photo quote de jour of your aphorism is up at The Boomer Muse.

  21. I like reading the aphorisms. There is truth in the simplicity of the thoughts and words.

  22. Ah - the old story. If everything's ok, then let it be.
