Monday, December 20, 2010

The scarecrow has been in the field so long he thinks it belongs to him.


  1. Definitely explains how society becomes so full of themselves, and feel automatically entitled.

  2. Resistance to change eh? A regular Luddite.
    Some people are so desparate to hold on to what they have, they miss out on so many opportunities and new experiences.

  3. In some ways, we all feel some ownership to those things that we plant ourselves in. This may not be a bad thing.

  4. That is an amazing insight, for all the things that we assume we possess the disappointment comes when it is taken away from us, after assuming that we owned it. Money and power come and go even if a person believes that they own it, one day it is taken away.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The only thing any of us can own is our attitude and how we choose to live. Who wants to be "scary"? A person can get stressed out just working overtime to keep up the fear front. Call me lazy on the fear flinging effort.

    We people types can be so much fun that we are an endless source of amusement, amazement and fascination. Yes, and that's why they call us "people."

    Thanks again for some wonderful thoughts this year and Happy Holidays to you!

  7. I am follower of your blog now I cant believe I have not done this sooner. Foloow my blog too click the link on my blog.

    I guess it depends whats in the field.

  8. If I had it in me right now, I'm sure I could make a very witty reference to motherhood and raising children with that one.

    Like it. Thanks!

  9. good call. we do tend to think earth is "ours." and even beyond that, the entitlement age is upon us

  10. This is a good one! Can you please post the source or the name of the person who said this? Thanks!

  11. Scarecrows probably think they are made in God's image!

  12. Yes, even yesterday all this sort of thing was too Zenny to take without having one's teeth begin to itch as a result...too zannily-Zenny by half for this time in the morning...

  13. Haha, NP...

    either the scarecrow accepts that it is being which measures intelligence, and eventually, at the crest, being qua being, or it wants to dominate over being, and in that case anything goes, absolutely anything!

  14. Is it not so, that vanity over one’s aphoristic abilities dissuades one from feeling that one is being vain over one’s abilities as an aphorist? Or is that just being vain?

  15. For where one was born and has lived one will always own it in his heart, and nobody can tell him that this cannot be so.

  16. I have to say, if no one else is hanging out in the field, I am going to have to side with the scarecrow on this one.

  17. A little humility serves us all.

    This would make a great tagline for the environmental movement.

  18. JMyste-Is this still more of you not trying to be "Devil's Advocate"?
