Wednesday, December 29, 2010

People always tell me, "Do your best!" But sometimes I'd rather goof off.


  1. We all need a rest sometime. Getting re-charged often leads us to be better at what we do.

    And 'goofing off' sometimes leads to new ideas.

  2. 'Goofing off' is what I consider creative time. Creative time is work in a different form. It is time when the mind is free to work on things it wants to. Sometimes the mind calls a time-out from the days work and 'goofs off' for a few moments or longer until rudely interrupted by the real world.

  3. also another day to do something else on...

  4. To be excellent at goofing off is an art.

  5. I do my best on the things that I set as high priorities. However, many things are lower on my list than having good time is. ;)

  6. Even the mind needs a time off every now and then..
    Sometimes we need to let go of our sanity to keep it

  7. ahahahaha I feel like that myself.. Glad I'm on vacation so I can actually do that! =)

    Marty, I'm here to thank you for the adorable company all over 2010, you're such a smart mind and it was really great to read your comments on my blog. I'm really happy to have met you.

    May you have a wonderful New Year, filled with surprising insights, may we have your company for a lifetime.

    Kiss you dear.

    My best to you and your family. =*

  8. I used to be such a perfectionist in all I did when I was younger. Now I'm a 'selective' perfectionist. When it comes to work, it's got to be grade A. As for the dishes in the sink? Meh. Not such a concern anymore.

  9. if the retribution is good in my mind appreciation I motivates myself and i will do my best in the effort.

    NP: Visit my blog and read the haikus, they are very good, use the translator.

  10. Thinking I do my best when goofing off, Marty.
    However, that statement may only be a way to justify being a right-brained dreamer who has some qualities of ADD, and/or high functioning autism, or whatever they call it now, ha ha.
    ; )

  11. Well put! we can all do better at "goofing off" if we put our minds to it...

  12. Yes, like nowadays!
    These holidays are driving me crazy!!!
    By the way, happy 2011 for all!
    And Marty, a very inspired year for you!

  13. If you are good at goofing off, then you should be alright. Don't be a mediocre goofoff... be an excellent goofoff!

  14. What a perfect aphorism for my birthday! And, I'm pleased to report, I did just that!

  15. Me too. And I'll do my best at it.

  16. John M
    I now have the time to wander through life exploring as many experiences as I can try. I'm busier in a more enjoyable way than when I was working. Less money but more time, energy and satisfaction; a more meaningful life.
    See my blog "REFLECTIONS" where I share some random thoughts,ideas...
    I like your blog. I put it on my "Blog List".

  17. I hear daydreaming is good for the brain - and the soul. "That's my story and I'm sticking to it!" :) Have a great New Year - and may it find you happy, healthy and prosperous!

  18. I cant imagine where I would have been if I had not goofed up enough... I have stumbled upon so many new things every time I was clumsy :)

  19. I heard this one years ago:
    "I'll do my best."
    "Don't do your best. Do the best a better person would do.."
    So unforgiving! And goof off time is essential. How many mathematics and astro-physics geniuses had their "AHA" moments while taking a long bath, or a walk, or getting on a bus.

  20. Marty I like this one! It takes the anxiety off of our minds.

  21. When you goof off you should do as good a job as you possibly can.
