Thursday, June 17, 2010

Words make known. But we live in the unknown.


  1. Well, I know I certainly do. Thanks, Marty.

  2. The juxtaposition is interesting; we can describe the world with words, but cannot mistake the description for the world. cheers

  3. Words "make known" and can seem to remove us from the unknown in which we live. Words create a substitute reality that can be mistaken for reality. That is the potential trap of words/thought/mind/ego.

    But then aphorisms like this undo the error. Thank you.

  4. Thank you for the aphorism. Such words are the best questions. You prompted me to re-think my values and thus enabled to return to God and His guidance.
    Thank you

  5. I just read "The User Illusion: Cutting Consciousness Down to Size". Perhaps we could equate the following:

    Words = Consciousness
    Unknown = Unconsciousness

    (or not)

    Your aphorisms clearly connect with a multitude of visitors on many levels and I am extremely jealous ("So there, yah, boo, sucks!")

    Keep up the good work, my friend.

  6. Marty, I'm back, sort of...hovering between the known and the unknown ;-) Btw, have you thought of putting some of your aphorisms on t-shirts?

  7. that's why we need words to make the unknown known

  8. So we know by reading them, but then don't know..Hmmm. Every moment is unknown.

  9. Words create reality...
    So when we realize that language creates reality, we recognize the difficult to accept the fact that it is through and by means of words that we see and understand (or even misunderstand) what we call "reality."

  10. Part of the wonder of life is its mystery!

  11. You know, the discussion on these is in some ways the best part of the aphorism? That's because a really good aphorism is supposed to incite discussion on a deep level. Way to go, Marty!
