Monday, March 21, 2011

In my travels I found no answers, only wonders.


  1. The journey of life is a journey of questions. We are all wonderers.

  2. I like this one, as it suggests that the answers lie closer to home, that is, within oneself : )

  3. Answers are not from this life,,they are only found when we die because it is only then that we cease to look for it and wonder.

  4. What a load of esoteric bs.


    It was profoundly beautiful. :)

  5. I've learned a lot I didn't want to know... but I have become thankful for it. Wonders are a many.

  6. Aren't wonders the only real answers? I find as I grow older that I don't need to understand all of lie or all of the world. I only need to enjoy its marvels.

  7. That should read 'all of life' - sorry about not proofing more carefully!

  8. Sometimes wondering is better then the actual answer.

  9. One who wonders has no direction and our travels will never have any destination.

  10. I like "wonders" instead of questions!

  11. wonders are heart beat,they force to look, think,ask, and enjoy,
    but there are some who fear me to have answer for them.

    it is a gift,i consider human brain a answer sheet and universe a question paper,
    this test has just begun ,the answer sheet is being unfold gradually.
    i wonder about the day when it will be unfold completely .

  12. Profound inspiration once again "only wonders. no answers", as there are "no heroes except flowers and children" with "prayers answered in the silence" What a delight!

  13. Travelling has shown me how we are different, as well as how much we're all the same.

  14. But Marty, wonders ARE answers...because we are all looking for them (for wonders). :)

  15. *so if we find them, then that makes them answers! :)

  16. Very good! I have found this to be quite true in my own travels.

  17. If answers were found, the questions would become redundant!

  18. Answers lead to more questions which leads to more wonder...The more you understand about something, the more you realise how much there is to understand! :)

    Wisest are they who know they do not know

  19. Artists are great at perceiving, and through them, we can see the wonders of everything around us, and we are therefore enriched with countless creative perceptions. On the other hand, scientists raise interesting questions, and after much diligent works, gives us the solutions, and hopefully some of those solutions can be translated into workable applications....

    We all have a bit of an artist and a bit of a scientist inside.

  20. I'm sorry to hear that. I have both, like my inner child, and adult intellect. Must be careful, be accused of inner child abuse.
    On the third hand, as some suggested, it is never about the destination, it's the journey itself. And that I know you get.
    Couldn't find "I hate criticism, it makes me feel important." I'm pretty sure you didn't mean impotent, right? Most people would mean the latter. So you are not as nihilistic as you claim, as far as I can see. But who the fuck am I to say anything about anybody? Sweet tides, np. Always enjoy my visits here!
