Wednesday, September 25, 2013

My Work Ethic

Work is a blessing only if you can lay it aside.


  1. It's so true. There is much more to life than only work.

  2. It is a blessing to have work you can lay aside.

  3. I completely agree. Work should be nothing more than a necessary evil, not how we define ourselves.

  4. It's only a blessing if you're self employed...

  5. Too bad there's so much work in this country that you can't lay aside for any reason what-so-ever

  6. yup--people in Western society confuse identity with profession

  7. If you can afford to lay it aside, that is truly a blessing. If you can afford to lay it aside and you don't, that's a shame.

  8. But, of course! And one should be compensated in a fair way.

  9. Indeed. And a weekend isn't a weekend if you've had a week off.

  10. i am probably belong to the laziest group of people. i dislike work. i was feeling miserable when i had to stay in office 5 days a week, 9 hours per day. sadly, many people have to be like that, either by condition or belief.

  11. So true. For many that isn't the case becsuse they hsve financial needs that must be met. For others it's perceived needs that are really desires.

  12. Au contraire, mon amor! Work is a blessing if you love doing it. Whether its a job, or what others might call hobbies, I call "my work. I think I've been fortunate that way. The exception may be writing, b/c it's more of a compulsion. I HAVE to write every day.I've been paid for it, and it was usually a part of every job I've had. In a way, my life is my worik, as it informs my writing.
    On a personal note: iGoogle is shutting down.Your blog, as well as my other favorites is on iGoogle. I'm looking for a replacement. feedly will do for now, but it's so much easier to have my favs on my home page. Any suggestions from anyone would be appreciated. ;)

  13. Au contraire, mon amor! Work is a blessing if you love doing it. Whether its a job, or what others might call hobbies, I call "my work. I think I've been fortunate that way. The exception may be writing, b/c it's more of a compulsion. I HAVE to write every day.I've been paid for it, and it was usually a part of every job I've had. In a way, my life is my worik, as it informs my writing.
    On a personal note: iGoogle is shutting down.Your blog, as well as my other favorites is on iGoogle. I'm looking for a replacement. feedly will do for now, but it's so much easier to have my favs on my home page. Any suggestions from anyone would be appreciated. ;)

  14. Basically you should always have the freedom to walk away/vote with your feet if things aren't right. If you can't then there's the possibility of exploitation or slavery.

  15. I would say that is one requirement to make work a blessing, yes.

  16. You remind me how blessed I used to be coming to collect the wisdom of the day. Thanks for this enlightenment!
