Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Meaning Of Being Human

Meaning for a human being can only mean other human beings.


  1. Not sure I follow that one. Are you trying to say we all need one another?

  2. True ...sometimes we hate society but without them life is unimaginable !

  3. That is the pith of life, NP. A beautiful reminder.

  4. It certainly doesn't mean fabulous cash and prizes. At the end of the day (or the beginning or the middle) we find meaning through and with each other. Beautifully said Marty.

  5. We need one another.

  6. Even a hermit living on a mountaintop has to come down to the people sometimes, if only to check his lottery tickets.

  7. "I think therefore I am" is wrong? That bastard Descartes. The aphorism hinges on human and meaning, that humans are social beings who can only find the complete self in other people. I like that idea, for thinking by yourself is a lonely enterprise. Thanks for the aphorism n.p. You always engage my mind, and most times engage my heart.

  8. Most engaging... but endearing is another matter.

  9. Another mind boggling phrase. However, there may not be a need to define human being to start with.

  10. Very poetic, Marty! To be a human being we need to be with other human beings since no one is an island.
