Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Price

Boredom is the price one pays for not enjoying everything.


  1. This is so true. Depending on superficial activities to fill the time is a waste.
    Thanks for another great thought.

  2. haha, cool. sounds like something I posted the other day on G+
    ☺ Life is more fun when you're easily amused ☺

    hope you have a great week, NP

  3. Not everything is enjoyable. Some things are downright painful. An old Chinese curse says 'may you live in interesting times'. Perhaps boredom is not the worse we can expect. This post got me thinking though.

  4. I'm rarely (if ever) bored. Life to me is an ongoing adventure, full of twists and turns, and ups and downs. I have as much fun being still as I do when I'm busy. Even when it's bad, life is good.

  5. How true. Some people are absolutely determined to find life boring - and some are never bored, and it seems to have less to do with what they are actually doing at the time than their head space...

  6. LOL

    So true. Yet, I complained how bored I was all the time...

    Thanks to teach me another lesson today for the better lifestyle tomorrow

  7. Excellent one again NP, so true, I need to share this with some people.

  8. So true! I have no idea how anyone can be bored. There is so much in this world to experience!

  9. Well-said, NP! What can I say, I love being bored ;)

  10. Boredom is the price one pays for being jolly when... one should be working harder.

  11. Marty, I totally agree! My husband says I’m the only person he knows who is never bored (and it sometimes drives him a little crazy because when he’s bored, he’d like me to be bored right along with him and that doesn’t work for me). Even as a child, I was never bored. When I was done playing with my toys, I’d amuse myself watching ants build mounds, following butterflies around the yard, or making paper dolls from magazine cut-outs. I am wondering though if some people are just born with an innate ability to find things to do and never be bored.

  12. I heard a quote on boredom a while back, but I'm too lazy to repeat it.
