Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Bad Teacher

Experience is a bad teacher if it teaches you to be afraid.


  1. I don't know. There are some things people should be very afraid of with good reason. Sometimes fearlessness is foolishness.

  2. Or are we bad students if we learn fear from our experience?

  3. We can't thrive in fear...so to overcome our fears, for happiness for oneself and others. Cheers!

  4. Fear is an inevitable experience. No matter how we strive to experience the good, almost always, before we reach the peak of goodness, we must haggle with the bad. To deal with fear, face the bad, control it, strive to live with everyday goodness. Happy weekend, Marty!

  5. in practical world some fear are must to have so make us to take precaution,

    but with soul must be fear less,i think one can lie and enjoy it only if he is fear less,

    free of all fear which bound him with his body and material needs.

  6. I guess it doesn't depend on the teacher but has everything to do with students. Kids never learned to be more careful while adults should forget more about their bad experience...needless so say, it is easier said than done, as always :):)

  7. It's circumstantial. Having a riding accident and getting back on a horse without fear is positive.

  8. Yes, but parents can sometimes be worse than experience on teaching fear...sadly.

  9. Experience will never teach you to be afraid. If you are afraid, you dont have the experience.


  10. And if you have the experience, you will not be scared.

  11. My children learned very early not to touch a hot stove.

  12. If the outcome of the lesson is fear, then it was a bad teacher indeed.

  13. I have learned and important life lesson about overcoming fear. I have learned to recognize that when I feel a strong desire to control events in my life and how they unfold that desire is rooted in fear. When I let go of my fear of the unexpected, the outcome frequently manifests exactly the way I wanted it to, and when it doesn't I learn another life lesson. As I approach my birthday I am affirming my intention to be more grateful for everything that comes my way, as unexpected as it may be.

  14. @the above comment, i fear i agree with what you said.
