Friday, February 11, 2011

Walking with a crutch is still walking on your own.


  1. yah, first this one, its the champion's outlook....!!

  2. You are right about that, as long as one really NEEDS that crutch.

  3. Even rolling around in a wheelchair is walking on their own.

    independence is not depending.

  4. That's right...we have to count each blessing! Focus on the positive.

  5. I think 'independence' mostly mean 'self-esteem'. Whoever has self esteem is an independent person to me.

  6. Amen to this! I can speak from a place of experience. When I had surgery and had to learn to walk again, just being UPRIGHT was a sign of independence. It's all relative.

  7. What is the 'crutch' is a person? But I do agree, although I also think there is nothing wrong with occasional dependence.

  8. Some people want to walk without that crutch no matter how hard it is.

  9. Very true, np. No matter how we may walk, we still have to do it alone, because that path is ours alone. I especially like this one, np, thank you for that.

  10. Really, so why still use the crutch? It adds to the burden. I'll walk without the crutch NP. That's for sure.

  11. Amusing comment, to someone like me, who can't walk. Left a longer note, lost it. I won't engage in metahorical macho, but I do enjoy using this:I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees. Of course, it is my own brand of machismo, since I barely stand and can't kneel. bitterness. On phone now, will return

  12. Amusing comment, to someone like me, who can't walk. Left a longer note, lost it. I won't engage in metahorical macho, but I do enjoy using this:I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees. Of course, it is my own brand of machismo, since I barely stand and can't kneel. bitterness. On phone now, will return

  13. People might see this as giving in to weakness. But if the crutch allows you to stand and make your way, then it is you that picks it up and walks with it. Don't let its handicap get in the way of your strength.

  14. Always look at things from their brighter side.

  15. The crutch should not be a person, or you are dependent on them.

    I know some people that can not find the money to feed themselves so have been borrowing from others, without paying them back all their lives.

    Still though they would consider themselves independent.

    Being dependent I feel is depending on another, walking with literally a crutch is independent I agree, but not when it is another person.

  16. "walking on your own" is something we continue to learn, refine & cherish in our own way. Grateful Marty

  17. Well said...
    Positivity as it holds..
    :) Keep blogging!

  18. Walking with a crutch is better than with a walker.
    And walking with a walker is much better than being in a wheelchair.

  19. This is a perspective for sure. To the person being carried, walking with a crutch is walking alone. To the person who walks without a crutch, walking with a crutch is depending on something.

  20. No it's not. I've been getting by with the aid of crutches for years now and I assure you, it's no joke. I just don't get this one, even though I can appreciate many of your previous aphorisms.

    Accident Prone.

  21. We all need a little help now and then, especially if it moves us forward. The key is...having the courage and wisdom to accept it.

  22. What a great saying -- I like all of the responses, too. Anyone who has had a rough moment or two, but has survived with a little help from something (or someone) for a spell, is sure to agree.

  23. Quite true. I use a cane to maintain my balance and I would stumble without it.

  24. Correct!!! :)

    How are you? And how have you been? I have missed you while I was away! :) :) Are you enjoying your Valentine's Day, today? Do you have the love of your life with you?? :) Well, I wish you and yours a very beautiful day of love!! :)

    Today's also the day of my GREAT REVEAL!!!! hehehehehe! I am so excited to be unveiling my new novella, and I hope that you will be able to support me and purchase a copy of my book once it's available for ordering! :)

    C ♥

  25. exactly does not matter doing something unconventional for as long as you do it yourself without causing harm to others.

  26. Argh!!! But are you walking with a friend?

  27. I never thought of it this way but you are so right. In some ways the crutch requires even more effort.

    Happy V Day! Have fun.

  28. There is nothing wrong with needing the extra help to do what you want or need to do. Any tools a person can use to get them from point A to point B is welcomed.

  29. Wow! What a perfect piece. You made my day.

  30. Over-reliance on something is never good. But if the crutch helps you to be stand up again (the definition of standing up can be a whole lot of things), then why not. Use it to be more independent. And you're right, it's still walking on your own.

  31. Isn't that the truth!

  32. Be it crutches and neatly tied shoes, I am glad to drop by in this blog, there's just too much hope and optimism going on here.
