Friday, February 18, 2011

Happiness is contagious. The more I think about it, the happier I am.


  1. Me, too. Thanks for brightening my day!

  2. It is just like smiles. If you see someone else smiling the odds are you will too. It's awesome.

  3. Too true! Especially when you smile at really crabby people. It throws em off. ;)

  4. All depends if you let the happiness come to you from other people, finally is your choice but some great people in your life always help, happiness is different in each person ´s mind, sometimes we do not understand happiness and other times we do not know deal with sadness, that is the first reason to find happiness, I give you my own aphorism: "In the defects is the light of the virtue". Greetings. Mario.

  5. I was about to say the same thing as Marc, which reminds me of the Volkswagon "chain reaction" commercial years ago:

    It also makes a difference to simply make yourself physically smile; doesn't take long for it to convert into an internal smile as well.

  6. That is what my laughter therapy is all about. The best bug to catch is the happiness bug!

  7. I definitely agree with this one, np. It's hard to be sour when you're among happy people. Happiness like laughter is contagious. Which is why it always feels so good after you've had a good laugh.

  8. May I never become immune to the contagion called happiness.

  9. I'm running low on happiness. Can you infect me with some of the good stuff. Have a wonderful day Mart :))

  10. Studies have shown this to be true!! It's really cool :)

    It's always nice to pass on a bit of happiness. I really think you can change a strangers day by being contagiously happy!

  11. And the more you spread it around you!!

  12. It would make total sense, being that when I focus on negative, I end up depressed. It's gonna be my trial for the weekend, think about happiness

  13. "Happiness is contagious. The more I think about it, the happier I am." simply Profound. Am gradually learning that one should stop "searching" for happiness.

  14. NP, we agree about the saguaro being a sentinel. That's why I named my painting "Winter Sentinel." Thanks for the nice comment. You made me very HAPPY!!!!

  15. I think that just as "misery loves company", Happiness is most definitely contageous. I think not only inside of ourselves but to those surrounding us.

  16. HaCheW....spreadin the happy bug...haha

  17. Nicely said. We should all try to be more contagious.

  18. This, like all truth makes me happy. And it's true for whatever we focus on.

  19. hhehheehehheehhehe :D correct!!!!!!!! :D and this short "aphorism" has made me happy just to read it!!!!

    what is an "aphorism" ??

