Monday, February 28, 2011

Contentment is a richer treasure than what Monte Cristo found.


  1. That's the ending message of The Count of Monte Cristo. He finds the treasure, tries to use it for revenge, and finds that in the end forgiveness and brings contentment which is much better than the treasure. Great book and movie!

  2. Love this one. I still have to read the book but I saw parts of the movie. Forgiveness is definitely key. Hatred and revenge can only hurt the person feeling those emotions.
    With contentment and forgiveness, you can truly find peace.

  3. Not everyone can be Content though.

  4. very true....being content is a great mindset...also its important to know the difference from complacency....

  5. Oh it absolutely is. All the money, fame, sexy women, and anything else I can get will never fill up my insides. They need to be filled from inside out.

  6. I guess that if you can be content with who and where you are, than this is definitely a sign of richness. However, it seems that the pursuit of contentment might be the undertaking of the journey to improve your circumstances if you are displeased with who and/or where you are.

  7. I like what Justus said about being filled from the inside out. So true!

  8. I dunno. I thought he was quite happy after all that revenge and payback he did, then sails away with a beautiful woman and all that fortune. What more can a guy want?

  9. Agreed. I've only just embraced this way of looking at things myself.

  10. Well, I certainly agree with that!
    And by the way, I never use the ATM because I can never remember my pin number.

  11. So completely Profound!! As the saying goes - Charity begins at home - most probably so does Contentment!! With oneself!

  12. The most expensive thing on this earth is spiritual freedom. So whoever is free, who ever is spiritually free, whoever is the richest.

  13. "Contentment is a richer treasure than what Monty Cristo found." I "dig" this one most, as mostly as it gets about these little snipes at contentment at being content about not being too actively so, or, that is not in a bad way but as one that understands how not tobe content much, if that at all. Nice one anyway!!!

  14. What are we all trying to get money for, but to buy contentment?

  15. True dat.

    Contentment is such a rare thing...

