Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Personal Things

Only personal things are timeless and universal.


  1. Marty, that may seem short-sighted at first glance, but it is the little whims and fancies that are dear to the hearts across the globe. Or else, everyone would be a Jesus or a Buddha.

  2. I like this one. I think a society that consists of a rich and colorful personalities must be a more peaceful world than those consist of one singular character.

  3. I think only GOD is timeless and universal and may be we also carry forward few personal things until we learn to handle them perfectly.


  4. Finally ... this sank in. We are the center of our universe.

  5. Kind of hard to prove though...

  6. Another wonderfully profound aphorism, Marty. I've been thinking about this one since you published it on Wednesday.

  7. This goes with a theory I have heard that all humans are selfish, and it's not necessarily a bad thing. We all love the things that are closest to us, that make us happy, or that we value the most. I love what Theresa said about us being "the center of our universe".

  8. It is very true.....someone can leave me money to buy myself a gift, and it wouldn't mean anything. Someone can spend a few snatches of moments with me, and it feels like everything. It's the personal touch that's magic :)

  9. Are not these "purely personal statements" way too wise for us to tolerate? And, yes, where do they take us to on the way to intolerance?

  10. Marty, that’s actually a very perceptive aphorism! In order for anything to be timeless and universal for us, it has to be personal. Without the personal aspect, timeless and universal are just words with no value behind them.

  11. Each individual is a personal universe, if you know what I mean. I have no idea where I heard a similar type quote from but I bet you know exactly where it came from.

  12. What personal things are you talking about?
