Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Turtle's Advice

Walk slowly through the world and pay attention.


  1. I agree. In today's world, where everybody is constantly running after something or the other... it's become important to be slow and analyze the things around you!

  2. I agree with the turtle. I just can't argue with living life at a leisurely pace, drinking it all in unfiltered. Why anyone would want to hurry through it is beyond me.

  3. This is some great advice! Why rush through life and miss out?

  4. Turtle or tortoise, slow and easy wins the race of life. Always a joy when you stop by. Happy light-filled holidays :-)

  5. Yes, watch your step. There are lots of landmines around.

  6. Very well said, Turtle! A great piece of advice to today's man.

  7. Definitely more peace and happiness in slowing down than trying to rush everything.

  8. Its how I have always lived my life. I always take time to watch the clouds, smell the trees, watch leaves blow.... There's a beauty to this world most miss.

  9. No matter what, life always ask me to hit the breaks even when I don't want to but then I think, slow is better at times...nice aphorism.

  10. I love this aphorism, Marty! A turtle walking slowly through the world is an excellent analogy. Take your time now and then, pay attention to what’s around you and savor the moment So much is missed when everything just races by you.

  11. Pay attention: the world is dangerous: walk carefully!

  12. I couldn't afford to be slow when I was young. Getting older, I could afford to slow down a bit but too many things crying out for my attention. Now at an advanced age, nobody care whether I'm fast or slow, and I can be attentive to life itself which unfortunately is beginning to lose interest in me.

  13. Marty, turtles live long and they have been around for millions of years. It's time we took a leaf of advise from their epics of experience.

  14. Yes Marty, I consider myself an example of this. Until you study things very carefully you won't get to fully appreciate them.

  15. Your Turtle is perfect coach. Those who follow his advice becomes the quickest runners.
