Wednesday, April 4, 2012

It Is Nothing

We get obsessed with a thought or goal and forget it is nothing.


  1. Very true NP, very true. We tend to get caught up in the details and forget that it was once a very simple idea.

  2. To me obsessions are like manic behaviors that can be really distracting when I'm trying to focus on my thoughts and goals. In that case the obsession needs to be minimized to nothing to clear the way for better productivity. Thanks for the deep thoughts! :)

  3. Does that include your goal of being happy? :) Just playing devil's advocate. I agree wholeheartedly - but believe there are exceptions. Some goals are much more than 'nothing' - worthwhile pursuits which engage heart, mind, and soul, and feed them all, propelling us toward positive change. Some are thieves, or worse. In general, we humans tend to ward obsession as a single-minded course, which we definitely need some perspective on.

  4. If we're trying to fill a void, our thoughts and goals become our everything, imprisoning us with anxiety over the happiness we're afraid we might lose, instead of simply being vehicles which bring us delight.

  5. That would be correct. It pretty much = time.

  6. This is the worst thing about obsessions...

  7. Excellent one NP, some people spend far too much time trying to plan for a future, and never really have the time to actually live a day.

  8. aka: Don't fall in love with your investment ('cause it won't fall in love with you...:):))

  9. Very true, NP. I'm sure I was very obsessed about something just a few weeks ago but, for the life of me, I can't remember it now.

  10. How true. I am the poster child for this one. I covet my obsessions, stroke them, pet them....and eventually say, "What the hell?" However, I do believe God enjoys me for the fool I am. :)

  11. I feel happier when I am in control of my thoughts and mind, unlike those times when my mind transports me to strange places. With age, I am learning when to stop those trains of thought, sooner rather than later :)

  12. Provided it's a trivial obsession. Sometimes important obsessions can lead to breakthroughs. Another wonderful meditation.

  13. I just quoted this, because it's that good.

  14. I've always been a "head-case" and as I have aged I have learned how to open my heart. Sometimes I have conflicting goals and different intentions. Then it's important to determine which are coming from my head, and which are springing from my heart. I an learning how to rely on intuition to help pursue the passions of my heart, rather than pursuing the dictates of my head.

  15. And sometimes we forget that there is nothing to forget, but cannot be too sure.
