Wednesday, November 17, 2010

In my basket there's always room for something new.


  1. I hope it's a big basket.

  2. There has to be room for new things or you can't grow!

  3. I am not open to new experiences in all areas of my life; I'm only open to new experiences in some. For example: I'm open to new artistic, musical, dance and theatrical experiences. I'm open to eating new foods. I'm open to making new friends and to hearing their opinions on many things. I'm open to reading books that present different perspectives from my own. But I'm not open to traveling or to moving from where I live now to another place to experience new things.

  4. hmmm. yeah it definitely depends what area we are talking about. i find that i'd almost always like to be open to new things, but i'm not always when the time arrives.

  5. I thought a little more about this and have another comment to make.

    On one hand, I'm open to new artistic, musical, dance and theatrical experiences. I'm open to eating new foods. I'm open to making new friends and to hearing their opinions on many things. I'm open to reading books that present different perspectives from my own.

    On the other, I am closed to listening to the Christan version of things. The minute the Bible is pounded, or Christianity is expounded, or a Christan says they just want to hear what I believe and then start quoting or paraphrasing scripture - I slam the door.

    Why? Because I escaped from the blind faith trap years ago.

    I value my powers of critical thought and I do value negative people and circumstances too, because they test my ability to stay in touch with my higher self and become a better person. But at this stage of my life I choose to limit the time I spend in the company of evangelizing Christians because I'm not open to listening to what they have to share -- been there -- done that -- no thanks.

  6. In my case I guess it depends. I'm blinkered like a horse sometimes and only see my destination ahead. I need to take side trips once in awhile and travel the back roads - to take my time, talk to people, touch the trees, be spontaneous, try out new ideas, or simply to be just adventurous. I do love to try new things but if I get too far from my comfort zone, it throws me off balance. But I'm learning slowly but surely. :)

  7. I usually have room in my basket. Love new experiences, learning, eating, etc. as long as my life isn't in real jeopardy. I would zipline but won't parachute or base jump.

  8. Once we stop being open to new experiences we stagnate. As I grow older, I assess risk more, but that doesn't mean that I will live in a cacoon. And if I do, then I hope to emerge before too long. It's way more fun being a butterfly.

  9. Mine too. That's why I'm a basket case.

  10. New, creative and useful! Could I have beautiful as well?

  11. Sometimes, the basket remains the same, but you need to throw out the junk to make some space for new things

  12. No, I have room. Except for multiple kitties needing weening. You CAN have too many weening kitties in your basket.

  13. btw, still thinking about language. That's good for a week, a thesis, and an annual seminar. Ever read Wittgenstein? Or even David Hume? Many a lifetime spent on this subject...maybe people can see I am/was thinking of a doctorate on it?

  14. The more I think about it that better I can express myself. When I was younger I was a risk taker I was open to a wide myriad of new experiences. Looking back I can see how fortunate I was when I took those risks. Now that I am older I'm not open to new experiences that are likely to have a negative affect on my health, safety, security, or my relationships with friends and family. Provided the forgoing aren't of concern, then bring it on!

  15. I cant agree more, there are so many things in life that change you as a person or alter your path that naturally there is always room for more things to add to your basket. Growth is part of living, if there is no growth then there is no reason to go on.....
    Really liked this one, and it holds great truths to it.

  16. I can always fit something new into my basket - if I don't like it when it gets there, well I just chuck it out!
    If anyone had told me 20 years ago that when I get to 50, one of the highlights of my week would be a shift on a helpline for alcoholics, i would have said they were mad. But that exactly what has happened - my basket is made of expanding material and it just keeps getting filled with more and more delightful and rewarding experiences
    smiles and blessings

  17. I agree with Milo Fowler! I, too, am a basket case but at my age the ability to throw in new things is not a real threat. However, throwing out the old crap and outdated ideas is still my main concern. I have devoted what energy I have to heaving it over the side of my large basket. When I get to the bottom I will know what I have left of value and it won't be ideas,ideology, beliefs, et wil be my family and people.

  18. P.S. And thanks for finally enlarging the font so I could read it - will comment more often now. :) It just wasn't showing up well on my Opera browser - and My IE8 browser is a nightmare...

  19. As it should be for all of us. Sometimes I have to empty out a few things to make room though (the same is true for information in my head--HA!).


    p.s. You'll have to excuse me if some of my comments make no sense, as I am extremely jetlagged and also recovering from a nasty bug that both Les and I picked up on our travels.
