Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The Art Of Living

You don't know how to live.  You live.


  1. Real life exists in the moments.

  2. Even when you don't know how to live... you still live.

    1. but if you still live, it shows you know how to live

    2. One can write without knowing how to write. He can write but you cannot derive any meaning from it. Living anyway and meaningful life are two different thing.

  3. It doesn't matter how you live, if you know why you live. Nietzsche said, "He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how."

  4. So true. Sometimes I think about life so much it gets in the way of living it. I have to train myself to live in the moment more.

  5. I disagree. I think we all know how to live. We simply don't make a choice or recognize we have a choice to make.

  6. Sometimes I live better than others. I try to keep my blessings in mind and show gratitude. But there are days, or hours, when I lose faith, not in any religion, but in myself, my past, and what the future will bring. Yet I have (mostly) overcome fearing the future. I've seen others embrace theirs. As for giving to others whatever I have to give--my intentions often outstrip my actions. But perhaps that's as it should be. My intentions are always exaggerated
