Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Winners And Losers

If you believe in winners and losers you're one of the losers.


  1. Depends on your state of mind at the time of reading this post :)

  2. Very true. I must add, however, that there are winners and there are losers in most aspects of life, the trick is to understand which one you are more comfortable being.

  3. I don't know about that0 winners celebrate, slap themselves on the back, pose for pictures...

    if I play a competitive game like cards or heaven forbid, Monopoly, I hate winning AND losing. There's a condrum.

  4. Very true! I think the real "winners" are those who find nothing from outside compel them to "achieve", rather, their actions are motivated from inside, and this kind of tasks compete with nobody, thus they feel always fulfilled.

  5. Winning and losing...another brilliant example of "either/or" logic. Competition is the antithesis of individuality.

  6. Aren't we all winners and losers?

  7. Good point Michelle.
    We are definitely a mix.
    Cheers, ic

  8. Good one Marty, it goes along well with something I have been saying for years "Losers hate to lose."

  9. each moment i played i learnt how to play better,no push can make me embaress ,no fall can shake my faith because they are my teachers who lead me to my best,

  10. A very interesting point. There is real winners in life, and competition only creates losers, and the sheer fact that there ARE losers, means we all lose.

  11. The person I compete most with is myself. And even when things don't work out, I can usually find something of value in the experience, even if the win is small. As for regular games, I lose a lot when playing against my little girl. But I win even more from the time spent together.

  12. Thinking that you're gonna fail, that makes you a loser. If you aim to achieve your goals, you're a winner whether you achieve them or not. Just so long as you tried with the full intention of winning.

  13. being a loser is not necessarily a bad thing :)

  14. I don't think we need to undermine others to help cause their failure so that we can win. Nor do we have to root for the failure of others so that we can win.

    Just my thoughts on being gracious to others and having faith, because I believe there is enough success in anything for all of us to share, if we choose to believe that.

    Not to mention the good feeling we have within, when we embrace the joy and happiness of others, along with our own.

  15. Well, I think there are winners and there are losers, but I even losers can be winners.
