Wednesday, November 14, 2012


The people who enlighten us are the ones who tell us their secrets.


  1. I don't tell everyone everything, but everything about me is known by someone(s). I've never felt it necessary to keep secrets about myself.

  2. The only secrets I keep, are the ones that are not my own. That being said, I do try to enlighten, and having no secrets, means I share everything. So in a round about way...yeah. *nod* I definitely like it.

  3. I'll be honest. This is too threatening to respond to candidly online. But it's a great question.

    I do reveal much of my insanity in my blog. I guess it could read as resentful and/or self-pitying. If it is, I take it with a grain of salt. It's an online persona, and I have fun with it. As a writer, I take joy in blowing minute annoyances into crises. Whether or not I like it, that's what I do best.

    Ok...I'm about to hit publish. Gulp.

  4. No true revelations could ever be found in lies.
    The truth of this aphorism is enlightening.

  5. Ack,

    I liked the aphorism, and wish I could edit my semi off topic comment above but I can not.

  6. As a professional designer I don't mind sharing my design secrets to enlighten others, including fellow designers. Other times, I just like to enlighten my husband...(no pun intended)

  7. Secrets aren't always revealed through times, they speak in other enlightening ways. It isn't always only secrets that are revealing, however - much of what comprises the human condition isn't a secret, but is nonetheless enlightening in of itself. An interesting topic...

  8. You learn new things from the people you meet everyday. But now I find I learn much more from books.

  9. Hm. Interesting and true...I'm still young to enlightenment. Finally started paying attention.

  10. Not all of them I hope...

  11. Very interesting, but my thought is yes and no on secrets. Yes, secrets can be enlightening when shared, but there are some things better kept to oneself, I think.

  12. Secrets are for keeping... lies are for tweeting -- well.
