Wednesday, July 18, 2012


When you stop expecting miracles, life is the miracle.


  1. This reminds me of the saying:
    "The best things in life are free."
    If we stop expecting more and enjoy what we have, we'll be happier.

  2. So get off your ass and make life happen.

  3. It is because life is a miracle that I expect miracles. It is clearly in the fabric of the universe. :)

  4. Absolutely! It's a shame the humans so often put their man-made "miracles" over life itself.

  5. When I expect something, I usually take that thing for granted, for example: I expect the sun to come up tomorrow. So I guess I could say I expect miracles too. But that doesn't take anything away from how much I appreciate them!

  6. Life is, perhaps, the greatest miracle of them all.

  7. Life is the only miracle I can believe in.

  8. If only we knew the miracles of life, we wouldn't be so quick to take it away.

  9. I expect miracles and get them but then again I think many things are miraculous.

  10. Interesting aphorism, Marty. Yes, life itself is a miracle but there are also small miracles in the daily living of life. Expectations of miracles, however, can lead to disappointment. So I guess the lesson is just live your life and that is your miracle.

  11. Life is an astounding miracle! And each successive day brings miracles of its own - there was oxygen enough for my lungs. Gravity held to its constant. The mechanism of the earth's axis performed its hourly function. The tides recirculated the sun's energy. Sometimes the miracles we wait and look so eagerly for are the wrong ones entirely! And yet, that does not negate the ones that simply are, just because we don't recognize their truest nature...

  12. Indeed, NP! If you always expect things that gives you less opportunity to be pleasantly surprised.

  13. We spend our lives waiting for miracles, so that we do not see the miracle in life itself

  14. You are getting better by each passing day.... Isn't it a miracle?... :)
