Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Another Kind Of Light

We walk in our own light as well as the light of the sun.


  1. Love this. We have a "flashlight" in our heart that shines the way.

  2. Very true@! So as they say, so don't hide your light under a bushel!

  3. True...especially when its dark, we need our light to lead the way :)

  4. Yes,it is truth to the core....Thanks.God bless.

  5. Very beautiful and meaningful aphorism, np.
    when we feel happy, the feeling is more limited to our own being, so "We walk in our own light"; when we feel "joy", we feel the attachment to a greater "being" - nature, or "god", so we walk in "the light of the sun".

  6. Yes! Let your light shine in this darkened world. We shine when we are compassionate enough to light the pathway for those who are stumbling and falling by the wayside.

  7. Hmmm... yes. And people are often afraid to let their light shine, through fear, but if they only lived more through love than fear, their light would be star-bright.

  8. We walk in borrowed light as I firmly believe nothing is truly ours.
