Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My Art

My art is to look at things and be quiet.


  1. Art is about perception (of which all cannot be put into words), and it is about appreciation (heartfelt), so I agree :)

  2. I agree.
    Stopping my constant stream of thoughts long enough to fully experience what I see, hear, taste...; this is an art.

  3. Art is more about feeling and emotion than the verbal expression of that feeling and emotion.

  4. Nice,

    There is nothing that ruins a quiet moment of solitude faster than someone talking about it.

  5. And you do it well, NP! Such a keen eye you have.

  6. I'm with you on this one, NP. PBScott says it best. Sometimes I think beauty is meant to be experienced privately. The joy can be shared, but not the event.

  7. I enjoy looking at the golden pasture of my fathers rice field.

  8. Is it safe to say a constant babbler knows no art?

  9. Reminds me of "Less is always more"

  10. Choosing to be quietly centered in your own being no matter what your circumstances may be is an art. As for me, I'm most creative and most likely to have flow experiences when I'm quiet and alone. Then, what I experience is quiet joy.

  11. Beautiful. Everyone has an art--just as Elizabeth Bishop's "One Art" was that of losing (not "hard to master"). The art of observation actually underlies most of the artistic contributions we come to see. Stick with it.
