Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Easy Life

Never underestimate the wisdom of being easily satisfied.


  1. ...and it is even wiser to be easily perceived as such (for one thing your spouse will love you more!)

  2. So true! I always seem to have more fun when I keep my expectations low instead of high.

  3. Being easily satisfied is the true key to happiness.

  4. You can always want something more and never be satisfied. After taking care of your basic needs, to be easily satisfied is a blessing.

  5. “Who covets more, is evermore a slave.”
    ~ Robert Herrick

  6. Good one, especially in this age of materialism where people want more and more out of life, instead of being happy with what they have.

  7. Would be nice! Some areas of desire are easier to appease than others. For me, material things beyond what I have hold very little, if any, desire. I do, however, have a very strong desire to straighten "my life" out, which causes a high level of frustration. Not so sure if it would be "wise" to be "easily satisfied" with that particular desire...

  8. Sometimes I expect way too much of myself, and become easily frustrated. I have learned not to expect too much of others, because I know everyone doesn't think the way I do.

  9. As I age my desire for material things has faded. I am becoming more grateful for what I have and who I have in my life every day.I have poeple I love who also love me and I have come to realize that aside from my basic physical needs my need to love and be loved is being satisfied.

  10. Lovely, Marty: Like a bright summer's day.

  11. LOL!!! I love this post , my feelings totally ...I have stopped shopping at target!!!!!! and I just fine the most incredible treasures at second hand stores now and I am giving to a organization I love too....I love the beauty around me ....I still want Madonna's butt!!!!! cant help it....xoxoox oh and nothing is that easy ever we find challenge everywhere ...I adore you AWITD

  12. We should all be easily satisfied! Especially if by a cake! Be it a slice or a whole! : )

  13. ...or the satisfaction and lack of planning involved. My best

  14. I agree, NP. We live with the burden of big dreams in our head. The moment quietly slips by, with its countless little treasures. Thanks for sharing these gems of wisdom, always :)
