Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Sweet Uses Of Adversity

It's during a storm that the best songs get written.


  1. And often, the best poetry and literature is written in the hour of darkness.

  2. It's said that only during the bush-fires some wattle seeds sprout !! ManytThanks Marty

  3. Truly, the best things don't come easy.

  4. True, creativity helps people sail through rough waters :)

  5. its only in darkness you can truly appreciate the beauty of light

  6. There was a country (it evades me now which one it was) that placed a group of geniuses in what they deemed to be the perfect environment: Nice quiet place in nature, with meals made, and everything that they could possibly want. They failed to produce anything of value.

  7. So true, NP. So true. If my life were a cake walk, I'd have nothing to write about!

  8. Definitely. Those storms craned my creativity.

  9. ...and a true artist sees storms everywhere (and perhaps everyday too - poor soul)!

  10. All my best work comes that way;[ but it still takes me 5000 words and 20 pics to make my point!]

  11. I could not agree more with this!!!

  12. Hello again! Thanks for your kind comment on my blog. Indeed it is during a storm that such songs get written, or perhaps in the aftermath.

  13. To some degree I do idenify with your aphorism. I have unleashed my creativity. I have no preconceived idea of what I’ll be painting but instead I allow the energy that flows through me to direct my brush. Someimes my paintings reflect past events and sometimes they don’t. Once I have created what I call a “PTSD painting” and anlayzed the event that gave rise to it, the expressed memory no longer carries the emotional charge it had when it lay unexpressed in the depths within me. Through art therpay I am letting go of the painful past; I am healing.

  14. It's just too bad I can't remember the songs I come up with once the storm is over..

  15. the euphoria of good times translates into creative work in the bad times.
    so true..

  16. The best songs of my life were written in the storm.

  17. I couldn't agree more on this, I have had proven it myself :)

  18. It seems true to me as well.

    NP, today I was thinking of one your readers and a blogger : Melinda Roberts Tyler. Where is Melinda and her blog?

    Please let me reply.
