Friday, October 8, 2010

The world is the medicine that cures me of myself.


  1. Lovely statement - When I am occupied with fruitful things I am in a much better frame of mind than when I am not so occupied, and instead chew (mentally) at my hind leg.

  2. Nice one, NP! Very profound indeed!

    We tend to be our worst enemies in various ways, and the world does show us the way out many a times.


  3. Very interesting and true! As my therapist always says, our best qualities are also our most dangerous enemies. So, everything depends on how we deal with ourselves and with the world, which can kill us or save us!

  4. Nice elliptical thought. Enjoy the holiday weekend!

  5. I love this one Marty. Thanks and have a grand weekend. :)

  6. Great one! One look at the world is enough to knock us off the easy chair of illusion and self satisfaction!

  7. Very true statement....People tend to get too self involved and wrapped up in their own world's good to get out there in "the real world" and see things for what they really are, then you shall see your true self, and that is the best medicine of all.... :)

  8. Sometimes it feels like poison though...

  9. Sweetie, the world needs some medicine right now. We are in pretty bad shape! I got a flu shot today, and I hope that helps a little, but I doubt it.

  10. Interesting.. In a Zen way, that could also be saying, "I create the world and guess who is responsible for any healing that is required?"

  11. If we are able to look beyond ourselves and to realize our place in the universe rather than just in self, our conscious level rises and we can contribute more. In doing that, we are increased as well. Thank you for yet another mind-jogging thought.

  12. Since the world can exist quite well without us and is indifferent to our presence, not to mention our thoughts, desires, beliefs, etc., then I realize I create my life equally independent of it....except for oxygen, food, water and the company of a few fellow travelers and maybe an oreo or two.

  13. but only if your surroundings are happy and healthy...

  14. I couldn't agree more, you got that sweet and awesome words again NP!! I love it ^_^

  15. Hi Marty:
    This is spot on. The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous instructs us:
    "Nothing guarantees immunity against the first drink as well as intensive work with another alcoholic"

    It works on the pretext by helping others, you get our of your own misery and distorted introspection. Just as you so succinctly say, the world becomes our medicine.
    smiles and blessings

  16. I like this one, Marty :))


    yep... it's me commenting - again - I have set an "alarm" in my agenda that will remind me from now on to visit my blog friends at least once per week - and here I am...LOL... sorry to have been absent that long!

  17. I remember a saying once about Mount Everest but can't remember who said it. "It's not the mountain you have to conquer, but yourself." I guess there's a bit of similarity to your aphorism as well.

    Hope all is well with you and your family. :)

  18. The world does provide great medicine, whether it be a wake-up call or soothing relief.

    Good one!

  19. Wow! Now that one is so powerful and true! The world is my teacher, and offers all I need to learn and grow. :) Thank you so much my friend. You are amazing. I often wonder at the life story behind the wise man, called Marty. Hugs, Robin

  20. This world has all the medicines to cure all its illnesses if only the leaders have the sincere interests with unified hearts to make this world a better place.

  21. Beautifully said, Marty.

    I can say the efforts being made to rescue the miners trapped in Chile is the world giving me hope somehow. I want to believe it.

    Kiss your cheeks. =*

  22. Your ills are easily cured then!

  23. Marty, I love all your aphorisms but this one struck a special chord with me. It's truly the world (and those in it) that have cured me of myself. Or should I say, "still curing me" because it is ongoing medicine!
