Thursday, August 5, 2010

Miracles happen so often they become commonplace.


  1. Every day is a miracle to me.
    Life in general is a miracle.

  2. Yay for miracles! I think it was Einstein who said:
    "there are two ways to look at life - that everything is a miracle, or that nothing is a miracle".
    I choose, as i believe he did, the first way.
    Each breath we take - if you really think about what is happening - is an absolute miracle...
    For that breath to give us the oxygen we need, the planet must have just the right balance of gases; the sun must be just the right distance from the Earth; there must be just the right number of trees and plants providing the oxygen we need... not to mention what goes on INSIDE our bodies... every breath, every thought, every emotion, every wave, every wind, every child born, every moment experienced, every planet that holds it's orbit...
    Love, Ben

  3. Yes, every single day that we're alive is a miracle. Ben said it best.

  4. To see the world in a grain of sand
    And heaven in a wild flower,
    To hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
    And see eternity in an hour.

    -- William Blake

  5. Beautiful as always Marty, you are the man my friend.

  6. not many recognise them is all.

  7. Miracles can happen to change your perception about life.

  8. We take a lot of things for granted in our everyday lives and over-look our blessings. To be alive is one of them.

  9. Here, I must revert to my usual iconoclasm. My definition of miracle: An event that seems to contradict the laws of nature, but in all reality, one in which the details and mechanisms of change have not been discovered or are not able to be discovered with extant methods or equipment. Possibly an event about which false assumptions have been made. Is that enough rain on the parade today?

  10. Absolutely agree! Unfortunately most of us get so caught up we fail to recognize what is going on in our very own lives!

  11. Absolutely. Miracles happen constantly (in every sunrise, really). The trick is to recognize and appreciate them.

  12. The Talmud says that not a blade of grass grows without an angel who sits on it and cries 'Grow! grow!'

  13. Beautifullly said, my friend.


    Kiss your cheeks.
