Wednesday, September 26, 2012

It Goes On

Writing is like life: it goes on.


  1. Yes, exactly! Writing has certainly enhanced my life, but it isn't all there is.

  2. And also like life, there are many different styles and stories to tell. Good one, Marty!

  3. But will it come to a halt when life ends, or will the words carry on?

  4. Well there you go, writing about writing, my specialty. Yes, life and writing do go on...hopefully. brightly. :)

  5. Don't i know it. :D

  6. It does say it all! Just when I think I've said enough does another idea surfaces and I am back to the computer! :-)

  7. Yet writing hangs least till Google decides to cancel inactive blogs one day :):)

  8. Not sure I completely agree, I know a couple of people that gave up on writing, which saddens me to no end....

    In my own way I can agree, as if I don't write, my imagination still comes up with concepts and ideas to run with...its almost maddening at times.

  9. Interesting comparison! Like with our words, we have the chance to edit as we go - there are surprising plot twists, and evil characters mixed in with the good, and a natural ebb and flow as pages are turned and chapters close. Nice...

  10. Writing is a force, it will continue to evolve and be written, if not by you, then the next.

  11. Thank God for the web. There's evil in it as well, but with it we can share our writing with the world. I wake and find 500 odd page views of my Abba article from Slovakia. I'm only vaguely aware of where it is. No, thank God for writing and thank God for the web.
