Wednesday, October 26, 2011

One Acre Of Land

A hundred lifetimes wouldn't suffice to see all the beauty in one acre of land.


  1. I will vouch for it and can corroborate it with true images [wherever I could post them]!

  2. So true. I live in the woods, and enjoy every minute of it - especially when deer, fox, turkey and the occasional bobcat ambles by.

  3. If I take the time, there is always something new to see. As the time of day changes and as the seasons change I experience even more.

  4. We live on over an acre and truer words were never spoken.

  5. Life is filled with so much beauty, not too much, but so much that we could find new beauty in things we encounter every day.

  6. It is true, each moment, each acre is rich with beauty. When the mind is light, all is delight :)

  7. Indeed, NP. There is such beauty in the world, so much of it overlooked.

  8. Even our city lot - nowhere near an acre! - holds amazing beauty. Every day brings something new, or an old friend back: a new visitor to the feeder, a re-emerging, long-forgotten plant, a particularly pretty flower... Most recently, the marvel of a 1lb 6oz beefsteak tomato.

  9. Nice one...and darwin's squares revealed a lifetime of events...

    Anon Y Mouse

  10. Indeed, Marty. It is amazing the amount of information a dog or cat can extract from an acre
    of land. A human extracts much more than that with his mind alone, and information that involves might be, could be, or should be.

  11. This brings a quote to mind:

    "While there is perhaps a province in which the photograph can tell us nothing more than what we see with our own eyes, there is another in which it proves to us how little our eyes permit us to see." - Dorothea Lange

  12. You know, it really can't be done. You can't see all the beauty in an acre of land because it changes constantly. How many lifetimes would it take to see beauty anywhere? :)

  13. Since a group of scientists recently found several new species in a very small area of Sabino Canyon, I believe this is absolutely true.

    Marty, I have a very special post today, Sunday, and would like to have it read by as many people as possible. It is about an on-line silent art auction in which ALL proceeds go directly to cancer research.

  14. Yep, I concur. But let's hope it has good views.

  15. Another great one.

    It is amazing the detail in everything around you, you could never see it all.

  16. Nature is as beautiful as it is complex. Even the creepy crawlies are amazing.

  17. Dear Marty, it's so true.

    You reminded me the following:

    I believe a leaf of grass is no less than the journey work of the stars,
    And the pismire is equally perfect, and a grain of sand, and the egg
    of the wren,
    And the tree-toad is a chef-d'oeuvre for the highest,
    And the running blackberry would adorn the parlors of heaven,
    And the narrowest hinge in my hand puts to scorn all machinery,
    And the cow crunching with depress'd head surpasses any statue,
    And a mouse is miracle enough to stagger sextillions of infidels.

    [Walt Whitman]
